GWA HA HA HA! That's right, kids! This section is devoted to NES maintenance, gossip, and glory. We're taking a "Better Homes & Gardens" approach so you don't have to! Screw Martha Stewart (Here is an interesting fact/rumor: a guy once made the mistake of stopping near the Martha's house to ask for directions. The guy then got a half-hour lecture, and was reduced to tears as the she told him how many ways she could turn his innards into a beautiful flower arrangement. Ouch.), as we'll give you wonderful articles, like finding Feng Shui with your NES, or how to get on your artistic side with your extra Nintendos!

Are You a True NES Fan?
This jewel was written by Loogaroo, and although it is a bit outdated, it still has deadly accuracy.

Custom Carts
Had enough of the drab gray cartridges? Make your own design!

The Amazing Portable Nintendo
Don't feel like singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" a million times while on a car trip. This design will ease your pain, but there's no guarantee that it will prevent your parents and siblings from singing.

Personal Controllers
Hate searching around for your controller amongst friends in the middle of Indy Heat? Make one that sticks out!

The Last of the Game Genie Guides...
When Galoob put the Game Genie away for good (before being bought out by Hasbro), version 8.0 was their last official code list. Come and see this ancient relic.

Mike Etler's Complete List of NES Games
This is the latest (and Mike told me the last) list that shows every game made and released in the United States, including the listings of some that were developed but not released. I guess you can kind of ignore the grades, as A.)the list is kind of out of date and B.)one shouldn't base their entire NES buying agenda around this, but what the person is enthusiastic about.

Snowy Day Activities
These are things you can do when beating StarTropics for the umpteenth time becomes really boring. Better yet, you can do them all inside, so I guess this list can be used on rainy days, too...

Nintendize Your Room
Has Mario been talking to you in your sleep again? Maybe it's a sign that your room should become a shrine to all that is Nintendo. For help on building your shrine, read on...

Nintendo Feng Shui
Feeling like your Nintendo has been controlling you and not the other way around? These ancient Chinese secrets might just help you out.